Monday 8 August 2011

The joys of part time work

Well, after some time away I found myself back on the boat and knee deep in wiring again. The news for today was that the new hatch was fitted. Dave had done a superb job producing an exact replica of the original and putting back the original porthole and weights. It now opens like a dream.

I manage to clear out the remainder of the wheel house fire systems and strange brown wooden box. Makes a big difference to the space. Cleared out much of the fire system wiring. So some progress was made again today. The battery chargers are unshiftable alone. The transformer itself can only just be lifted but not moved and the cabinets are similar. I have no idea how I managed to get them off the wall in the first place.

Introducing Dave.  Miracle worker in steel.  Thanks for the new hatch Dave!

The wheel house cleared of the old wooden box

And fire systems

The transformer still here because it is unliftable!

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