The down side of being left in the ship is that they were completely wet through and all stuck together. A long weekend of drying though has recovered nearly all of it. The only thing missing was 3 or 4 drawings which were blank as the CAD drawings were not printed on the same paper and ink as the rest of the manuals.
What is interesting is what was originally on board.
The whole ship functioned from radio signals. It had a GPS system, a modem, a CPU board run from Motorola 6808. The ship still has an intruder detection system and a fire suppression system (gas). All automated. All the fog horn and lamp systems appear to be on board still and the windlass motors are all still there. Pretty much its a functioning light ship.
Its all crude old fashioned technology. Fascinating stuff. Even the generators ran automatically.
Can't wait to get on board and start putting it all back together.
Fog horn controls
Fire suppression controls
Power systems
All the pipes in the ship are coloured to make them easier to trace through the ship.
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